Member Spotlight

Forbes Industries

Member since: 1993
Industry: Serving equipment, furnishings, décor & custom fabrication 

When and how did your business get started?

Established in 1919, Forbes Industries began by building mobile carts for the movie industry. Since then, the company has expanded to hospitality carts like Luggage & Housekeeping Carts; added a Food & Beverage line of mobile bars, buffet stations, podiums, tables, etc.; and continued to grow all aspects of these lines to fit the needs of the industry.

What do you love most about the foodservice E&S industry?

We love finding new ways to solve industry challenges.

We have to evolve with the industry trends and look toward the future to be one step ahead.”

What do you find most challenging about the foodservice E&S industry?

It can be challenging to keep up with the times and latest innovations as well as to balance function and aesthetics. However, we have to evolve with industry trends and look toward the future to be one step ahead.

What excites you about joining NAFEM?

We love building relationships with all the NAFEM members.