Association News

Business Dictionary: in·no·va·tion

By Chef Adam  “The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value […]


Executive vice president’s report — winter 2018

Year end reminders…and thank you’s! It used to be that the time between Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays was what […]


President’s message — winter 2018

2018 a year of unanticipated business volatility Every year brings with it new events and issues for each of us […]


Manufacturing by the numbers

You know manufacturing matters in the U.S. economy. After all, that’s why there’s a nationally-recognized day to celebrate it! We […]


Manufacturing Day: celebrating a positive outlook in foodservice E&S

Since 2012, Manufacturing Day has been a celebration of the massive and positive impacts this sector has had on the U.S. NAFEM […]


Executive vice president’s report — summer 2018

We Keep Asking! We’ve inundated you in the past few weeks with a few surveys, and while I’m sure you’d […]


NAFEM Data Protocol Frequently Asked Questions

What is the NAFEM Data Protocol (NDP)?The NAFEM Data Protocol (NDP) is a set of rules that describes how commercial […]


What you need to know about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes effective May 25. This new regulation, which applies to all […]


State of the Association — Kevin Fink, CFSP

The following was presented by Kevin Fink, CFSP at the Annual Business Meeting, March 22, 2018. Presenting the State of […]


Carlson takes reins as NAFEM’s president

Joe Carlson, CFSP, Lakeside Manufacturing, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisc., officially took the reins as president at the NAFEM Annual Business Meeting, […]
