Taxes, Tariffs & Trade

Revised DOE Interim Waiver Rule expected in spring 2020

Twenty-two organizations, including NAFEM, submitted comments to the DOE on its proposed rule to address current delays in requests for interim waivers. Due to […]


NAFEM helps secure more exclusions from Section 301 China import tariffs

NAFEM members gained more relief from Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports as the United States Trade Representative (USTR) published two, separate Federal […]


USMCA discussions continue; signs positive for approval

A nine-person team of Democrats from the U.S. House of Representatives continues to work with the United States Trade Representative on concerns […]


Preliminary phase-one agreement reached with China

The U.S. and China reached a tentative, interim agreement in ongoing trade negotiations on Oct. 11. The U.S. agreed to […]


International Trade Commission plays important role assessing impact of policies

When the president or Congress needs to better understand the impact of potential tariff and trade-related decisions, they turn to […]


Indiana Representative voices concern about steel and aluminum tariffs

U.S. Representative Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) continues to express concern that manufacturers and small businesses seeking relief from Section 232 steel […]


Tariffs increased on Turkish steel

On Oct. 14, President Trump immediately increased tariffs on Turkish steel to 50 percent and halted negotiations with the country. […]


NAFEM helps secure additional exclusions from Section 301 China import tariffs

NAFEM members gained more relief from the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports as the United States Trade Representative (USTR) […]


Section 301: USTR China Tariffs

Issue Overview The Trump Administration is seeking to reduce the U.S. trade imbalance with China and protect America’s intellectual property […]


ENERGY STAR Day celebrates energy efficiency

Oct. 22 is ENERGY STAR Day, an annual campaign that communicates the importance of energy efficiency. NAFEM members can join […]
