USMCA goes into effect July 1
Beginning July 1, all three countries will transition from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to the new United States ‒ Mexico ‒ Canada Act (USMCA). To help U.S. companies comply with the Act, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) launched the USMCA Center. This new, central communication hub helps the private sector community, including traders, brokers, freight forwarders and producers, comply with the new Act. Questions can be emailed to the hub experts. A convenient Q&A and other information also is available on CBP’s USMCA website.

According to Christine Sohar Henter, NAFEM legal counsel, Barnes & Thornburg, CBP plans to publish a Certificate of Origin, like that previously available for NAFTA, to certify that goods qualify for the preferential treatment accorded to USMCA. During a recent webinar Christine attended, CBP also stated that it expects to phase-in implementation for the first six months – without harsh enforcement – to give the agency and companies time to fully understand the new rules.