January ’22 at-a-glance … energy
ASRAC reengaged by DOE
Now that DOE is revisiting test procedures and energy-conservation standards, it also has reactivated the Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Agency Committee (ASRAC). ASRAC members serve as an advisory committee to the Secretary of Energy to help negotiate energy-efficiency rules. Charlie Hon, sustainability and government affairs with NAFEM-member True Manufacturing, O’Fallon. Mo., is serving another term on ASRAC and attended the group’s initial webinar Dec. 14, 2021.
“So many DOE standards are far past deadlines that there is a lot of work ahead to help further standards,” Charlie said. “We should expect the pace to pick up considerably and will be looking for people to get involved and share information to help make the best recommendations.”
NYC bans natural gas hookups in new buildings, excludes commercial kitchens
In December, New York City became the largest municipality in the U.S. to ban natural gas hookups in new construction as part of its effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). New buildings under seven stories must comply by 2023 and taller buildings by 2027. There are exceptions for buildings used for manufacturing, hospitals, commercial kitchens and laundromats.
New DOE interim waiver process takes effect Feb. 14
The new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedure interim waiver process takes effect Feb. 14. It removes the provision that interim waivers will be automatically granted if DOE fails to notify the petitioner of the disposition of the petition within 45 business days. Instead, DOE intends to “make best efforts to process any interim waiver request within 90 days of receipt.”
ENERGY STAR® updates

ENERGY STAR version 5.0 specification revision for commercial refrigerators and freezers is final. Work continues on version 3.0 specification revision for commercial ovens that also addresses combi ovens. For the first time, ENERGY STAR also will consider water consumption in these oven ratings.