January ’22 at-a-glance … supply chain
Ocean Shipping Reform Act through House, awaits Senate action
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA), the first major update to U.S. maritime law in 20 years, passed the House in late 2021. OSRA will provide new standards for service contracts between ocean carriers and shippers, increase efficient container movement, and prohibit some fee assessments from being charged to trucking and shipping companies facing congestion at the ports, as highlighted in this section-by-section summary. “This is the first concrete step Congress has taken to alleviate delays in the national supply chain and sets the foundation for congressional progress on these issues,” said the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). It is unclear when the Senate will begin discussing the OSRA.
NAFEM Q1 2022 supply chain survey results due Feb. 4
NAFEM’s Q1 2022 supply chain survey was sent to members Jan. 17. The regular assessment of how supply chain issues are impacting members is a valuable tool when NAFEM discusses current challenges and advocates for change with elected and appointed officials. 2021 survey results were released in April and September. The latest survey closes Feb. 4. Results will be shared at the Annual Meeting and Management Workshop Feb. 28 – March 3 in Scottsdale, Ariz.
White House Supply Chain Dashboard shows continued improvement
The White House reported record-breaking holiday sales and 99 percent of packages delivered on time or with minimal delays. In its latest dashboard, the White House points to these results, combined with fewer empty shipping containers clogging U.S. ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, to demonstrate continuously improving supply chain conditions. Looking forward, the Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force is focusing on encouraging ocean carriers to expand their use of other west coast ports, continuing to track the impact of COVID-19, and working to ensure availability of critical medical supplies.