Industry resources to learn from

NAFEM strives to provide you with education, research and resources to help your business grow and thrive.   Here are some noteworthy industry organizations and research providers for you to connect with. Access their webcasts, webinars, podcasts, newsletters, whitepapers and more.

Simply Smarter – The Datassential Webinar

Join a community of thousands of food professionals, and gain fresh insights on the latest food trends, consumer insights, and more. This series covers the latest developments as our industry recovers from COVID-19 plus expert perspectives from the fields of psychology, data science, nutrition, and beyond. Sign up to attend.

International Foodservice Manufacturers Association (IFMA)

Our friends at IFMA are a great source of industry research and resources.  Sign up for future webinars, access their recorded webinars, whitepapers and best practices information.

Modern Distribution Management (MDM)

Sign up for MDM’s Webcasts to learn more about what’s happening in the distribution world. You can also sign up to receive their newsletter and download white papers too from their website.

The Hartman Group

The Hartman Group has been immersed in the study of American food and beverage culture since 1989.  Using ethnographic observation, quantitative tracking surveys and deep study trends, they have learned and continue to learn about the American consumer’s eating and drinking patterns. View their on-demand webinars and subscribe to their newsletter.