August ’22 at-a-glance … taxes, tariffs & trade

NAFEM delivered strong testimony on the negative economic impacts of Section 232 and 301 tariffs on members to the U.S. […]


Leading companies focus on aligning and collaborating to optimize supply chain costs

In its latest research. Gartner identifies Five Levers for Optimizing Supply Chain Costs. The full report offers a framework for […]


Back-to-school season presents family challenges employers can help address

Children returning to school demands a period of adjustment for working parents. Employers who are empathetic and flexible can increase […]


Visit NAFEM resource center for the latest information

NAFEM regularly updates its comprehensive resource center. Check it out for the latest on sanctions against Russia and Belarus, health […]


UL rebrands its three organizations

UL recently rebranded its three organizations to further clarify the role of each. The existing UL Certification Marks remain unchanged. […]


August ’22 at-a-glance … supply chain

The ocean shipping landscape is growing increasingly complicated during what is already a busy shipping season. The Federal Maritime Commission […]


August ’22 at-a-glance … energy

Although it is months behind the schedule announced in the Dec. 2021 Unified Agenda, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) […]


August ’22 at-a-glance … environment

The U.S. Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) sent proposed hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) phasedowns for 2024 and beyond to the Office of Management […]


$52.7 billion allocated to support U.S. semiconductor manufacturing

Congress passed and President Biden signed the $52.7 billion Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act of […]


July ’22 at-a-glance … materials & handling

Companies importing certain aluminum products need licenses to do so after June 28 under the Department of Commerce’s (DOC) new […]
