Investigation of economic impact of tariffs underway

At the direction of Congress, the U.S. International Trade Commission has begun a fact-finding investigation into the economic impacts of […]


Navigating inflation: A new playbook for CEOs

Few current senior business leaders have faced the challenge of leading a company through an inflationary spike like todays. The […]


June ’22 at-a-glance … supply chain

President Biden signed S. 3580, the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSHA) into law. NAFEM strongly supported OSRA, which […]


June ’22 at-a-glance … taxes, tariffs & trade

Nine U.S. Senators recently wrote to President Biden urging him not to lift the Section 301 tariffs. Senators who signed […]


What is the metaverse and what does it mean for business?

Seven months ago, Facebook rebranded to Meta, to focus on the future of the “metaverse.” Yet, there is no agreed-upon […]


May ’22 at-a-glance … environment

One week into his presidency, President Biden issued Executive Order 14008 that included the Justice40 Initiative making good on his […]


Nominate your company for driving societal progress

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Citizens Awards honor businesses for doing good. Categories include education, community improvement, disaster response, […]


Contribute to the Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM)

The Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) provides the best measure of current U.S. manufacturing industry outputs, inputs, operating status, and […]


May ’22 at-a-glance … taxes, tariffs & trade

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has begun the mandatory review of Lists 1 and 2 of the Section 301 tariffs […]


Members, NAFEM support Ukraine relief

NAFEM members continue to step forward asking how/where they can help provide humanitarian relief in Ukraine and the surrounding countries. […]
