November at-a-glance … taxes, tariffs & trade

During a roundtable summit at the G-20 meeting in Rome, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen acknowledged that tariffs “tend to […]


How manufacturers can encourage employees to get vaccinated

Given the pending requirement that companies with more than 100 employees mandate vaccinations by Jan. 4, 2022, the National Association […]


Understanding the contributing factors to future energy policies

As states increasingly establish energy policies that address climate change and equity goals, the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership’s guide to […]


Retaining, attracting, and developing talent as the pandemic continues

A record number of employees have left their jobs since the pandemic and women report increased burnout. Two new McKinsey […]


October at-a-glance … taxes, tariffs & trade

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) opened an exclusion reinstatement request process for 549 previously extended exclusions that expired Dec. […]


NAFEM and other manufacturing associations urge Biden administration action on supply chain challenges

NAFEM and a coalition of three other major manufacturing associations released a white paper urging the Biden administration to take […]


October at-a-glance … energy

Following a June 2020 Request for Information and review of comments submitted, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) tentatively decided […]


October at-a-glance … environment

Quebec’s Ministry of Environment and Fight Against Climate Change (MOE) has granted six months’ tolerance beyond the original implementation deadline for the province’s […]


October at-a-glance … regulations

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) to help evaluate how to assess fees […]


October at-a-glance … supply chain

Shipping issues continue to plague businesses around the world. Although industry leaders do not expect the challenges to subside anytime […]
